Results for 'Josephine Semmes Blum'

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    Factual issues in the "continuity" controversy.Robert A. Blum & Josephine Semmes Blum - 1949 - Psychological Review 56 (1):33-50.
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    Agnosia in animal and man.Josephine Semmes - 1953 - Psychological Review 60 (2):140-147.
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    An examination of the electrical field theory of cerebral integration.K. S. Lashley, K. L. Chow & Josephine Semmes - 1951 - Psychological Review 58 (2):123-136.
  4. Moral perception and particularity.Lawrence Blum - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):701-725.
    Most contemporary moral philosophy is concerned with issues of rationality, universality, impartiality, and principle. By contrast Laurence Blum is concerned with the psychology of moral agency. The essays in this collection examine the moral import of emotion, motivation, judgment, perception, and group identifications, and explore how all these psychic capacities contribute to a morally good life. Blum takes up the challenge of Iris Murdoch to articulate a vision of moral excellence that provides a worthy aspiration for human beings. (...)
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    Fast planning through planning graph analysis.Avrim L. Blum & Merrick L. Furst - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 90 (1-2):281-300.
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    Self-reflection in the arts and sciences.Alan Blum - 1984 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by Peter McHugh.
  7. a. Blum, P. Frascolla, A. Voltolini.A. Blum, P. Frascolla & A. Voltolini - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (1):131-142.
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  8. Friendship, Altruism and Morality.Lawrence A. Blum - 1980 - Boston: Routledge.
    Friendship, Altruism, and Morality, originally published in 1980, gives an account of "altruistic emotions" and friendship that brings out their moral value. Blum argues that moral theories centered on rationality, universal principle, obligation, and impersonality cannot capture this moral importance. This was one of the first books in contemporary moral philosophy to emphasize the moral significance of emotions, to deal with friendship as a moral phenomenon, and to challenge the rationalism of standard interpretations of Kant, although Blum’s "sentimentalism" (...)
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  9. Moral Exemplars: Reflections on Schindler, the Trocmes, and Others.Lawrence A. Blum - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):196-221.
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  10. Iris Murdoch and the domain of the moral.Lawrence A. Blum - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (3):343 - 367.
    In The Sovereignty of Good Iris Murdoch suggests that the central task of the moral agent involves a true and loving perception of an- other individual, who is seen as a particular reality external to the agent. Writing in the 1960s she claimed that this dimension of morality had been "theorized away" in contemporary ethics. I will argue today that 20 years later, this charge still holds true of much contemporary ethical theory.
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  11. The Feminist Care Tradition in Animal Ethics: A Reader.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _Beyond Animal Rights_, Josephine Donovan and Carol J. Adams introduced feminist "ethic of care" theory into philosophical discussions of the treatment of animals. In this new volume, seven essays from _Beyond Animal Rights_ are joined by nine new articles-most of which were written in response to that book-and a new introduction that situates feminist animal care theory within feminist theory and the larger debate over animal rights. Contributors critique theorists' reliance on natural rights doctrine and utilitarianism, which, they (...)
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    Tonwahrnehmung und Musikhören: phänomenologische, hermeneutische und bildungsphilosophische Zugänge.Josephine Geisler - 2016 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Was ist Musik? Diese musikphilosophische Fragestel-lung bildet den Ausgangspunkt von Josephine Geislers phänomenologischer Untersuchung, die einen wichtigen Beitrag zur anthropologischen Grundlagenforschung liefert. Geisler greift in diesem Zusammenhang nicht nur auf die Phänomenologie der Tonwahrnehmung Husserls zurück, sondern auch auf Helmuth Plessners ästhesiologische Schriften, die bisher kaum rezipiert wurden. Auch Günther Anders' musikphänomenologische Habilitationsschrift - noch nicht veröffentlicht und daher wenig bekannt - dient als theoretische Grundlage. Anhand dieser drei Autoren legt die Arbeit mit den Kategorien Zeitlichkeit, Leiblichkeit und Gestimmtheit (...)
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  13. From human resources to human rights: Impact assessments for hiring algorithms.Josephine Yam & Joshua August Skorburg - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (4):611-623.
    Over the years, companies have adopted hiring algorithms because they promise wider job candidate pools, lower recruitment costs and less human bias. Despite these promises, they also bring perils. Using them can inflict unintentional harms on individual human rights. These include the five human rights to work, equality and nondiscrimination, privacy, free expression and free association. Despite the human rights harms of hiring algorithms, the AI ethics literature has predominantly focused on abstract ethical principles. This is problematic for two reasons. (...)
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    The Role of Narrative Practices in Embodied and Affective Change.Josephine Pascoe & Miguel Segundo Ortin - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (1):29-36.
    Maiese and Hanna (2019) argue that social institutions shape and transform our embodied minds, and that detrimental and harmful institutions can be reverted in order to promote mentally healthy, authentic, and fulfilling lives. This commentary aims to complement this proposal by understanding the role that narratives and narrative practices play in shaping our embodied minds, by highlighting narrativity’s (1) active, deliberative, and productive functions, and (2) its strong entanglement with embodiment. We will argue that this addition to Maiese and Hanna’s (...)
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  15. Beyond animal rights: a feminist caring ethic for the treatment of animals.Josephine Donovan & Carol J. Adams (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Continuum.
    Contains eight contributions which extend feminist ethic-of-care theory to the issue of animal well-being. As a group, the essays aim to suggest ways that theorists can move beyond the notion of animal rights to establish care as a basis for the ethical treatment of animals. Annotation c. by Book.
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    Chimeras and "human dignity".Josephine Johnston & Christopher Eliot - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):6 – 8.
    One argument Robert and Baylis do not raise in their article on the creation of interspecies chimeras using human cellular material is that the creation of these chimeras would, or could, offend human dignity. Yet, human dignity is one of the most common concerns raised in public debates, academic arguments, and policy documents regarding biotechnology in general, and the creation animal-human chimeras in particular. … The concept is ill-defined within bioethics and … risks being dismissed as meaningless or uselessly vague. (...)
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    Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equality and Civic Renewal in Public Schools (2021).Lawrence Blum & Zoë Burkholder - 2021 - Chicago: University of Chicago.
    The promise of a free, high-quality public education is supposed to guarantee every child a shot at the American dream. But our widely segregated schools mean that many children of color do not have access to educational opportunities equal to those of their white peers. In Integrations, historian Zoë Burkholder and philosopher Lawrence Blum investigate what this country’s long history of school segregation means for achieving just and equitable educational opportunities in the United States. Integrations focuses on multiple marginalized (...)
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  18. Gilligan and Kohlberg: Implications for moral theory.Lawrence A. Blum - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):472-491.
  19. Blessed and beautiful: Picturing the saints [Book Review].Josephine Laffin - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):505.
    Laffin, Josephine Review(s) of: Blessed and beautiful: Picturing the saints, by Robert Kiely, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010), pp.344, $49.95.
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    A Schoolgirl’s Memories of Her Teacher: Trialogue between Simone de Beauvoir, René A. Spitz and Eva Spitz Blum.Eva Spitz Blum - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):117-122.
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    Exploration des systèmes de signes dans quatre jeux sportifs : analyse comparative du football, du handball, de la balle assise et du jeu des trois camps.Josephine Buffet, Luc Collard & Alexandre Oboeuf - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):53-75.
    Résumé Dans les situations sociomotrices, l’engagement des participants n’est pas seulement réductible aux communications directes. Il est surtout lié à l’émergence de systèmes de signes assurant la dynamique globale du jeu. Nous proposons d’appréhender la communication comme un système d’interaction global constitué de plusieurs canaux. On y retrouve les communications directes mais aussi quatre systèmes de signes : celui des praxèmes, des gestèmes, des gestes et des communications verbales. Ce travail interroge la place de chaque canal communicationnel dans deux sports (...)
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    Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism.Paul Richard Blum - 2012 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    In Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism Paul Richard Blum shows that Aristotle’s thought remained the touchstone of modern philosophy; for it was the philosophy taught at universities. The concept of philosophy at Jesuit schools forms the first part of this book. Their impact on the sciences and mathematics in combination with Renaissance ideas of nature is the topic of the second part. The transformation of Aristotelian metaphysics and theology under the influence of the Renaissance is the third area of (...)
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    Moral Perception and Particularity.Lawrence A. Blum - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine the moral import of emotion, motivation, judgment, perception, and group identifications, and explore how all these psychic capacities contribute to a morally good life. They examine moral exemplars and the "moral saints" debate, the morality of rescue during the Holocaust, role morality as lying between "personal" and "impersonal" perspectives, Carol Gilligan's theory of women and morality, Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy, and moral responsiveness in young children.
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  24. Feminism and the treatment of animals : from care to dialogue.Josephine Donovan - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler (eds.), The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge.
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    The missing premiss.Alex Blum - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (2):203-204.
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    Adrian Wüthrich , The Genesis of Feynman Diagrams . Reviewed by.Alexander Blum - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (1):76-78.
  27. Sapientiam amemus, Humanismus und Aristotelismus in der Renaissance.Paul Richard Blum (ed.) - 1999 - Fink.
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    The Literature Review as Imagined Past.Alexander Blum - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):827-829.
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  29. A Serene sierra.Josephine Hammond - 1927 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 8 (2):114.
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    B.A. Santamaria: Your Most Obedient Servant [Book Review].Josephine Laffin - 2008 - The Australasian Catholic Record 85 (1):115.
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    Biological and Animal Imagery in John Steinbeck's Migrant Agricultural Novels: A Re-evaluation.Josephine Levy - 1994 - Between the Species 10 (1):15.
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    Light, Wind, Motion.Josephine Miles - 1973 - Diacritics 3 (4):21.
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  33. In search of anthropology in china : A discipline caught in a web of nation building, socialist capitalism, and globalization.Josephine Smart - 2006 - In Gustavo Lins Ribeiro & Arturo Escobar (eds.), World anthropologies: disciplinary transformations within systems of power. New York: Berg.
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    Philosophy For Children.Josephine K. R. Zesaguli - 1994 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 12 (1):27-32.
    This paper describes the exploratory study which was carried out in Zimbabwe with an elementary Grade 7 class and with the firstand third- year student teachers, at a Teacher Training College, "doing philosophy", using Lipman's PIXIE and HARRY novels, respectively, and the proposed critical inquiry methodology.Secondly the perceptions of the participants, about their experiences during these exploratory sessions, which were derived from the researcher's self-evaluation and the students' informal evaluations, are presented in the paper.
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    (1 other version)Kripke on Identity Statements.Alex Blum - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Alex Blum ABSTRACT: We show that Kripke’s argument for the necessity of identity statements relating objects a and b by their rigid designators demands an additional significant premise. Download PDF.
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    The Future of Reproductive Autonomy.Josephine Johnston & Rachel L. Zacharias - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):6-11.
    In a project The Hastings Center is now running on the future of prenatal testing, we are encountering clear examples, both in established law and in the practices of individual providers, of failures to respect women's reproductive autonomy: when testing is not offered to certain demographics of women, for instance, or when the choices of women to terminate or continue pregnancies are prohibited or otherwise not supported. But this project also raises puzzles for reproductive autonomy. We have learned that some (...)
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    Patents, biomedical research, and treatments: Examining concerns, canvassing solutions.Josephine Johnston & Angela A. Wasunna - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (1):1-36.
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  38. Three kinds of race-related solidarity.Lawrence Blum - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):53–72.
    Solidarity within a group facing adversity exemplifies certain human goods, some instrumental to the goal of mitigating the adversity, some non-instrumental, such as trust, loyalty, and mutual concern. Group identity, shared experience, and shared political commitments are three distinct but often-conflated bases of racial group solidarity. Solidarity groups built around political commitments include members of more than one identity group, even when the political focus is primarily on the justice-related interests of only one identity group (such as African Americans). A (...)
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  39. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by bioethics researchers working closely with an (...)
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    (1 other version)Aristotle and the Future.Alex Blum - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Alex Blum ABSTRACT: We intend to show that Aristotle’s contention that future tense contingent statements are neither true nor false leads to inconsistency. Download PDF.
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    Commentary on Lawrence Blum's "I'm Not a Racist, But…".Lawrence Blum - 2003 - Social Philosophy Today 19:239-241.
  42. Stereotypes And Stereotyping: A Moral Analysis.Lawrence Blum - 2004 - Philosophical Papers 33 (3):251-289.
    Stereotypes are false or misleading generalizations about groups, generally widely shared in a society, and held in a manner resistant, but not totally, to counterevidence. Stereotypes shape the stereotyper’s perception of stereotyped groups, seeing the stereotypic characteristics when they are not present, and generally homogenizing the group. The association between the group and the given characteristic involved in a stereotype often involves a cognitive investment weaker than that of belief. The cognitive distortions involved in stereotyping lead to various forms of (...)
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  43. Necessity of identity and Tarski's T‐schema.Alex Blum - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (2):264-265.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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    Paying egg donors: Exploring the arguments.Josephine Johnston - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (1):28-31.
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    Disability: An Embodied Reality (or Space) of Dasein.Josephine A. Seguna - 2014 - Human Studies 37 (1):31-56.
    The ‘body’ has remained the pivotal and essential mechanism for analysis within disability scholarship. Yet while historically conceptualized as an individual’s fundamental feature, the ‘disabled identity’ has been more recently explained as a function of ‘normalcy’ through social, cultural political, and legal discriminations against difference and deviancy. Disability studies’ established tradition of consultation with philosophical endeavour remains apparently unwilling to exploit or utilize Martin Heidegger’s understanding of ‘Being’ and interpretation of Dasein as a possible framework for unravelling the complexities of (...)
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  46. Racialized Groups: The Sociohistorical Consensus.Lawrence Blum - 2010 - The Monist 93 (2):298-320.
    Among race scholars, there is a general consensus that (1) groups thought to be races in the 19th/20th century do not possess the characteristics attributed to them in classic racial ideology, (2) such groups are nevertheless intergenerational collectivities with distinctive social and historical experiences, and (3) those experiences were and are deeply shaped by the false beliefs of classic racial ideology. The groups of whom this consensus is true are felicitously called “racialized groups,” terminology preferable to “social construction,” “classic racial (...)
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  47. Savonarolan prophecy in Leonardo's allegory with wolf and Eagle.Josephine Jungić - 1997 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 60 (1):253-260.
  48. (1 other version)2. Art and Politics in the Sainte-Chapelle of Paris.Christopher O. Blum - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (2).
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    Diderot: the virtue of a philosopher.Carol Blum - 1974 - New York,: Viking Press.
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    Ethics at the workplace.Albert A. Blum - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (4):259 - 262.
    Are facts the only criteria that should determine an arbitrator's decision but are there other ethical criteria that ought to be used? Arbitrators are often faced with deciding issues like whether a person discharged already by a company for arson, should be reinstated or not to his old job. The problem, however, may not be the facts but that the company has discharged him to get rid of him so that it no longer has a problem while society does with (...)
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